types of CDPs
Common types of CDPsGiven the demand for its capabilities, the CDP market has grown to more than 100 vendors, making the selection process both daunting and troublesome for buyers. In fact, an alarming 45% of decision makers say their CDP doesn’t meet their business needs. To help streamline the evaluation process and understand which type of CDP may be best for you, we’ve classified vendors based on the capability they’re most differentiated at.
First, two critical call-outs. Number one, the vendors included on the next page are simply a sampling and many other reputable vendors exist in each category. Number two, vendors are assigned to categories based on their major strength—i.e., their differentiating capability—which does not mean they don’t offer additional capabilities present in the remaining categories (e.g. a data routing CDP may do some of the things an experience hub CDP does, but it’s simply not its strength).